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Designing a personalised customer experience

Personalisation is a no brainer when it comes to great customer experience. The free gift on our birthday. The booking form that remembers our details. The shopping site that already knows what we like.

But it’s not all about remembering anniversaries or putting a name in a subject heading.

In our recent webinar we discussed the strategic opportunities for improving your customer experience through rich, data driven personalisation backed by a smart content infrastructure.


Our Director of Customer Experience Chris Barnes was joined by Maija Erkheikki, Chief Channel Officer at Frosmo and Kristen Montag, Head of Partnerships EMEA & Asia at Contentful. Together they provided lots of food for thought, not least about the benefits of investing in a personalised customer experience. For example:

  • 91% of consumers are more likely to shop with brands who recognise, remember and provide relevant offers and recommendations (Accenture)
  • 25% of CMO’s who have already invested in CX said the primary benefit to the business was increased sales, 22% are seeing greater customer loyalty and 22% said they were receiving deeper consumer insight that enabled better decisions (Kin + Carta Connect)
  • 80% of customers say the experience a company provides is as important as its products/services (Salesforce)
  • 61% of customers are willing to pay more for a great experience. (Salesforce)

Don’t fall into the trap of siloed thinking when embarking on your CX journey. To create a great customer experience, you have to look holistically right across, from beginning to end. Prioritise the quickest moments that can make the biggest impact.

Chris Barnes - Director of Customer Experience

Want to talk further about CX and how you can achieve more through personalisation?

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